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Want to know more about the VicScreen evolution and vision for the future? Browse this list of our guiding documents.



This is the Victorian Government’s first screen strategy in more than 10 years, setting a bold vision for Victoria’s screen industry.

Victoria’s Screen Industry Strategy 2021-2025 is a whole of Victorian Government plan to reshape and expand Victoria’s screen industry.

Putting screen at the centre of Victoria’s growth and prosperity, the strategy will create jobs, foster new talent and generate significant economic returns over the next four years.


Download (PDF)

Download (Accessible) 

Retention and Disposal Authority


VicScreen is updating our Retention and Disposal Authority (RDA) and welcomes your feedback.

VicScreen’s RDA is issued under the Public Records Act 1973 by the Public Record Office Victoria (PROV). Its purpose is to identify records unique to VicScreen, classify them as either permanent or temporary, and provide VicScreen with the authority to destroy records no longer required. 

There are two draft documents provided for feedback:

  1. The Appraisal Report provides high-level context and background justifying the retention or disposal of VicScreen’s unique records. →  VicScreen Appraisal Report.
  2. The Records Disposal Authority (RDA) identifies permanent records that must be kept and eventually transferred into the State Archive collection, and temporary records that become eligible for destruction after a period of time defined in the RDA. → Draft VicScreen RDA.

We’re seeking feedback relating to the RDA’s coverage of VicScreen’s unique functions, the classification of records as permanent or temporary, and the duration temporary records must be retained. Please email any comments to by midnight 14 August 2024.



VicScreen does not make public the details of individual titles that receive funding or support until their first public announcement (determined with the broadcaster, distributor or publisher). At the end of the financial year, details of payments made for a project, for the full year, are made public and can be viewed in our Disclosure of Payments above.

VicScreen. You'll find us where the action is.

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