ABC ME has announced the return of Nowhere Boys as it readies for production on its fourth and climactic final season. As the gang race to fight off the threat their unity will be tested and the future of the entire multiverse hangs in the balance.
Combining supernatural elements with comedy and genuine human drama, The Emmy® Award winning action/adventure series Nowhere Boys has been a critical and commercial success both in Australia and internationally.
Film Victoria provided two industry placements to the production, including Penelope Chai’s Writers Placement and Stephanie Westwood’s Producers Placement.
“I’m very excited for the opportunity to learn from Beth Frey and the Nowhere Boys team. It is an invaluable learning experience to be attached to a television production from early scripting right through until post, and observe how Frey works with her team and manages every aspect along the way.
As an emerging creative producer with a passion for genre, I hope to learn more about the process between a producer and their heads of department as they create new worlds while staying true to character."
Stephanie Westwood is currently undertaking a 17-week key talent placement at Matchbox Productions, under the supervision of Beth Frey.
As well as observing Beth throughout pre-production and production Stephanie will have direct hands on involvement in producing social media and on-line elements associated with this production.
“I’m thrilled to be joining producer Beth Frey, script producer Chris Corbett and the Nowhere Boys script department to learn more about how a series is plotted, scripted and produced. The timing of this placement is perfect – earlier this year I co-write an online series for ABC iView and now I’m champing at the bit to develop and work on more. Series is where it’s at!
I’m looking forward to learning more about how stories and characters are shaped across many episodes and reshaped as required by budgets and schedules. Thanks Matchbox Productions and Film Victoria for this exciting opportunity."
Through the writer’s placement, Penelope will follow Episode 12 through all stages of development and production: working closely with the producer, script producer and script department; attending key meetings and taking on writing responsibilities as required.
Nowhere Boys S4 is supported through Film Victoria’s Fiction on Demand TV Program and Victorian Content Initiative Program – an initiative between Film Victoria and the ABC which helps to secure a pipeline of television titles over the next two years delivering an estimated $80 million in production expenditure in the state.