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Features  12 Feb 2025

Ghoulish Director and Developer Mickey Krekelberg and Character Artist Chantel Eagle share how VicScreen’s Originate Games initiative launched their studio and set their debut game in motion.

Concept art from Ghoulish's debut game currently in development

VicScreen: How did you find out about Originate Games and how did you make your application stand out?
- When Originate Games was first announced, it was a big deal in the local indie scene because so many small artists/teams desperately wanted a program like this. So, there was a lot of buzz and word spread quickly online and in-person. It seemed like it inspired a lot of developers to think about spinning up their own projects.
I like to think what made our application stand out is Ghoulish’s commitment to the studio itself as a long-term project. We invested a lot of time upfront in our goals and values, future plan, and particularly our brand identity.

VicScreen: Why did you want to be part of this program and what was your reaction when you discovered you’d been accepted?
 I have always wanted to open my own creative studio since I was a kid. It was in the middle of lockdown when I started seriously thinking about the studio and how I could possibly get it off the ground - then Originate was announced and it was the perfect opportunity. So it really felt like the stars were aligning.
Chantel had also recently started her own studio Little Pink Clouds at that time and she helped me a lot with the early steps.
Chantel: It was so wonderful learning we got funded. I knew that Mickey wanted to start their own studio for years, and this felt like that amazing first step. Originate was the perfect starting point, we knew we’d be supported by the team there.

VicScreen: Tell us (without spoilers) about the project you are developing and how Originate Games has assisted your progress?
 Our game is unannounced right now, but what we can tell you is this:
i. It’s a horror-mystery set within a cordoned area of a city (inspired by Melbourne) where a freakish, supernatural event is taking place.
ii. The game is all about two things: metamorphosis and connection - how we stay connected to each other despite horrific circumstances.
iii. We’re taking a lot of inspiration from detective adventure games like Disco Elysium and Pentiment, as well as Japanese horror from the 90s/00s like Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, and Uzumaki.
Chantel: Originate helped us prototype how we wanted the game to look, play, and feel. The Originate program not only helped us test out our ideas with a safety net but also ‘prototype’ our studio and unique creative practice. Our game is heavily influenced by alternative art, film, and music, so a lot of iteration was required for us to discover what worked and didn’t work. Originate helped us narrow in on our vision, and exposed areas that required extra attention.

VicScreen: Who are you making your game for?
 We’re trying to connect with a specific audience – players who love horror and mystery but are averse to violent or militaristic gameplay - it’s slow burn, pensive horror. Our game also focuses on some feminine themes and characters, which is an underexplored area in horror games with an underserved audience. It’s pretty weird and it won’t be everybody’s cup of tea!
Chantel: The Freaks!!!

 Concept art from Ghoulish's debut game currently in development

VicScreen: What have been the biggest challenges in developing your game to date?
 It’s usually always time and energy. Each member on our team works multiple creative jobs, both in and outside of games. We love what we do, but all creative energy comes at a cost. We’ve been balancing it all well, keeping each other motivated and supported as we continue at Ghoulish!

VicScreen: Why do you think it’s important to be part of the broader games community in Victoria?
 The Victorian games industry is unique in that it’s rather community-driven; people lift each other up and there’s a sense of comradery. Since lockdown, there has been a decimation of games community spaces so it’s important that we build that back up. We must connect with our peers and support those who are in the same situation as ourselves, that is the only way for collective success.

VicScreen: It’s a hard environment to make digital games right now. How is Ghoulish navigating these environmental challenges and what advice do you have for other small studios?
 My top priority is the wellbeing and creative empowerment of the team: we have equal pay, flexible hours, and shared creative responsibility. Games are made by humans and we are all artists putting a piece of ourselves into the work, so we need to look after one another.
We are working on a sustainable business model which involves setting achievable scopes, knowing our limits, and investing in reusable tools/tech. My advice to new studios is that you have a responsibility to think forward to the future of your studio - how does what you’re doing today prepare you for success in 3, 5, 10 years-time?

VicScreen: A video game has a lasting artistic legacy – what do you hope yours to be?
 As with any piece of creative work, we’re trying to build a connection with our audience. The ultimate goal is to have our players come away from the experience feeling that they were spoken to on a personal level. Games have the unique ability to connect directly with a player and leave a lasting impression on them. As for a legacy, I suppose I hope we can inspire other studios to do right by their creative team, and to make ethical, sustainable business choices that put people first.

Concept art from Ghoulish's debut game currently in development

VicScreen: How does an agency like VicScreen make a difference to the lives of indie games developers like yourselves?
 We wouldn’t be here at all without VicScreen’s support - not just financially but through mentorship, connections, workshops, and forming a community of fellow recipients.

Ghoulish will be announcing their game in June 2025. Keep an eye on their website here.
Applications for the second round of Originate Games are now open. Learn more about Originate Games here.

The Ghoulish Team:
Mickey Krekelberg - Director and Developer
Chantel Eagle - Character Artist
Percy Harris - Environment Artist
Cecile Richard - Narrative Designer
Monica Keeler - UI/UX Designer
Asha Waterman - 3D Artist
Miles Lee - Composer
Danna Yun - Additional Music