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Saxon Wright

Editor's Assistant, Editor

Career Summary

Saxon Wright is an editor currently living and working in Melbourne. With nearly a decade experience in film and TV industry, he has worked with leading production companies including Arena Media, Blackfella Films, ABC, Siamese, and Mad Kids. Upon completing a Bachelor of Film at the SAE Creative Media Institute, he honed his editing craft working under comedy aficionados Henry Inglis and Matt Lovkis at Mad Kids. (Henry & Aaron, DAQUQ?). Most recently, he was the assistant editor for Adam Elliot’s highly anticipated Memoir Of A Snail (MIFF 2024), where he worked alongside the well renowned editor, Bill Murphy (Lake Mungo). In 2024 his feature editing debut, Before Dawn, was released in Australian cinemas nationally and will soon be available on Netflix worldwide.


Before Dawn (2024) - Official Trailer 0:08 / 2:17 Before Dawn (2024) - Official Trailer

Saxon Wright Editing Showreel

Professional Credits

Festivals, Awards, Nominations

  • 2023, Western Australia Screen Culture Awards, Australia, Good Fortune
  • 2020, Ellie Awards, Austalia, Complete - Taxi (Music Video)

Professional Memberships

  • Australian Screen Editors, 2017 - Present

Education & Other Accreditation

  • 2015, SAE, Australia, Bachelor of Film

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