A diverse cross-section of screen industry practitioners, Board members and niche experts – supporting a just process for funding decisions based on specialist knowledge and assisting VicScreen to efficiently and effectively deliver on its strategic objectives.
VicScreen engages screen industry experts to assess our funding applications for development and production and make recommendations for funding to our Heads of Division, CEO or Board for final approval (subject to delegated financial approvals). Our external assessors sit alongside internal assessors with relevant skills and experience.
→ Ally McLean
→ Amanda Higgs
→ Beck Cole
→ Beth Frey
→ Blake Mizzi
→ Brendan Keogh
→ Brian Udovich
→ Britt Arthur
→ Clea Frost
→ Corrie Chen
→ Dan Lake
→ David Hannam
→ Emma Fitzsimons
→ Erin Bretherton
→ George Adams
→ Greg McLean (Board Member)
→ Isaac Elliot
→ Jacob Hickey
→ Jason Imms
→ Joe Park
→ John Hughes
→ John Molloy
→ Kelly Lefever
→ Kim Ho
→ Kodie Bedford
→ Laura Crawford
→ Lexa Francis
→ Liam Esler
→ Liz Kearney
→ Magda Wozniak
→ Meg O'Connell
→ Michele Turnure-Salleo
→ Nick Musgrove
→ Paul Walton
→ Philippa Campey
→ Rae Johnston
→ Ranald Allan
→ Rhian Skirving
→ Rhiannon Poley
→ Sarah Shaw
→ Stuart Menzies
→ Sue Maslin
→ Tim Williams
→ Virginia Whitwell
The committee supports the VicScreen Board through reviewing and assessing the effectiveness of Film Victoria’s systems and controls for financial management, performance, sustainability and risk management, and overseeing internal and external audit functions.
Meeting frequency: minimum four per year.
→ Liz Grainger, Board Member (Chair)
→ Jenny Taing, Board Member
→ Peter Hourihan, external member
The committee considers applications to the Victorian Screen Rebate program.
→ George Lekakis AO, Board President (Chair)
→ Leonie Morgan AM, Board Member
→ Debra Allanson, external member
→ Sarah Coughlan, Director - Creative Investments, Creative Victoria
→ Nick Forward, Board Member
→ CEO, VicScreen (non-voting)
→ Director, Governance & Operations, VicScreen (non-voting)
→ Director Economic & Industry Development, VicScreen (non-voting)
→ Head of Incentives, VicScreen (non-voting)
Want to know more about the VicScreen evolution and vision for the future?